Saturday 1st September 2018 7.00 for 7.30
Tickets £5
A great Poetry Double at The Bakehouse
Andrew Sclater, shortlisted for the prestigious Picador Poetry Prize has won awards from The Scottish Book Trust, New Writing North and been published in many leading magazines. His new collection Dinner at the Blaw Baxters' (Happen Stance 2016) received rave reviews..
Andrew is joined by prize winning local poet Mark Williams, winner of the inaugural Hedgehog Press Slim Volume of One’s Own competition, who will publish Papaya Fantasia in November following his successful first collection, The Odd Sock Exchange (Cinnamon Press 2015)
My hat-tip for the evening goes to Andrew Sclater…fantastically entertaining and interesting. Katy Evans-Bush, Picador Poetry Prize reading.
There is something of the Billy Collins in (Mark Williams’) ability to come at a familiar topic from a crazy angle. Terry Jones, Ver Poets Poetry World
Followed by
The Fickle Tupperware Bowl of Fate
Come and strut your stuff, poetic, musical or theatrical in our acclaimed open mic spots.