A Happy Christmas from the Bakehouse

You know Christmas wouldn’t be the same  without The Bakehouse Knitivity. This Christmas we are offering two free tickets
for any Bakehouse Event for the best caption! Deadline January 5th to give you time to sober up.

Our next event will be Burns Night on January 26th. Haggis, toddies and The Amazing Gerry Cambridge who  will be entertaining us with his poems and his harmonica followed by A Big Burns Tupperware Bowl of Fate brimming with talent and surprises.

Have a fantastic Christmas. The Bakehouse Team looks forward to seeing lots of you in 2013.

Hamlet Huge Success

Nearly one thousand people, including over two hundred students from six Dumfries and Galloway schools, attended three riveting performances of Hamlet given by Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre at The Crichton, Dumfries on Wednesday and Thursday last week.
“It was amazing,” said Chrys Salt, Artistic Director of The Bakehouse, the arts organisation responsible for bringing the Globe to Dumfries. “Despite the threatening weather, the crowds came with their picnics and raincoats and had a very special time.”

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New Successes for Bakehouse

"The Bakehouse is an exciting place to be," says Bakehouse Artistic Director, Chrys Salt, "despite all the cuts and chaos in the arts at the moment."

The ongoing success of Bakehouse readings and workshops has led to another coup for the venue as Book Trust Scotland has supported its planned Winter series of events and readings, “Telling Stories".

The Bakehouse has secured another five funded placements to bring in readers from across Scotland, and as ever The Bakehouse plans to support both national and local figures.

"This is excellent news," says John Hudson who devised the series with his colleagues. "We are building real momentum with these themed series and offering quality events on a monthly basis. It's what people deserve and need despite these somewhat austere times.

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Space, both on the page and on the stage;
The Bakehouse, dedicated to the literary arts live; Markings, a bi-annual publication presenting the best in contemporary writing and together a dynamic arena of creativity.